Break Housing RequestPlease complete the form to request housing during a break. Name Email Student ID NumberPlease enter the student ID number found on the front of your card.Student Card NumberPlease enter the 5 digit card number on the back of your student ID card directly above the the magnetic strip.PhoneBreak StayingFall BreakThanksgiving BreakWinter BreakSpring BreakEaster BreakIntercessionSummer HousingDates StayingHallMerici HallSaffer HallTrustees HallYoung HallReitz HallSt. Joseph HallGreenwell HallPhilby HallUrsula HallBarrow HallSt. Ann HallBirk CourtRoom or Apartment #Reason for StayingAthletic Practice or GameInternationalDistanceAcademic NeedClub/OrganizationI Have a Job in OwensboroOtherTeam (If Athlete)Reason (Other)I agree to the above statement Yes No