This section is made available for our current School of Education students. Here you will find necessary documents as you go through the process of earning your education degree.
- EDU #1: Admission to School of Ed
- EDU #2: Appl for Adm to School of Ed
- EDU #4A: Faculty Recommendation
- EDU #4B: Professional Disposition
- EDU #5A: Interview Presentation Rating Form
- EDU #6: Admission into Clinical Practice
- EDU #7: Application for Adm to Clinical Practice
- EDU #8: Health Certificate
- EDU #10: TC and CT Information
- EDU #11: Personal Data
- EDU #12: Formative Evaluation CT
- EDU #13: Formative Evaluation US
- EDU #14A: Final Eval Form A
- EDU #15: Final Eval Form B
- EDU #16A: Field Supervision Evaluation
- EDU #17 ESL: Field Experience Practicum Supervisor and Candidate Form
- EDU#17A ESL: University Supervisor Form
- EDU #18: Record UG Field Clinic Exp Showing Diversity
- EDU #20: Field Exp Accountability Form
- EDU #23A: TEAC Portfolio Preview P-12
- EDU #23B: TEAC Portfolio Preview IECE
- EDU #24A: TEAC Portfolio Presentation P-12
- EDU #24B: TEAC Portfolio Presentation IECE
- EDU #25A: Portfolio Eval CT P-12
- EDU #25B: Portfolio Eval CT IECE
- EDU #26: Content Assessment
- EDU #27: Prof Growth Plan (PGP)
- EDU #28: Portfolio Development Guide
- EDU #29A: P-12 Portfolio Review-US
- EDU #29B: IECE Portfolio Review US
- EDU #30A: Portfolio Teacher Standards Rubric
- EDU #30B: Portfolio IECE Standards Rubric
- EDU #31: CT Evaluation
- EDU #32A: Prof Growth Plan IECE Self Assessment P-12
- EDU #32B: Prof Growth Plan IECE Self Assessment IECE
- EDU #33: Code of Ethics
- EDU #34: Permission to Digitally Video Record
- EDU #35: Digital Observation Form
- EDU #36: Character and Fitness Review